Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Top Ten Books On My Fall 2013 TBR List

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week they post a new Top Ten list that one of they bloggers at The Broke and the Bookish will answer. This weeks To Ten Tuesday is: Top Ten Books On My Fall 2013 TBR List, It could be either books  that you're planning to read or Fall releases you're excited about! 

So as I live in Australia Fall or as we call it Autumn is long past, I am doing Top Ten Books On My Spring TBR. And here is my List, (in no particular order) 

The Cinderella Moment by Jennifer Kloster
I Think this will be such a good spring, I just love fashion. Been wanted to read this since I heard about it a couple of months ago, and I think I owe  Jennifer a review. 

Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell 

All I have heard about this book, is amazing and good reviews, and I just cannot wait to pick it up and see for myself.

Again a book that I have wanted to read for a long time and I know and hope I have time to pick it and read it, all I have heard about this book in the last couple of months is all good. 

I love Cassandra Clare and I love The Mortal Instruments series and I have even more wonderful things about the Infernal Devises Trilogy. I love the whole word that Cassandra built and cannot wait to read more.     

Again another one of those books that I have wanted to read for a long time and I just hope I'm able to pick it up during Spring

I love Under the Never Sky and I just cannot wait to keep on reading the series. It is such a good Dystopia Fantasy. 

First of all this cover is absolutely gorgeous, and secondly it sounds so interesting and I think it will be an interesting read, and something that I have never read before. 

I just want a nice fun, read but shows emotions as well and I think this may be it. And come on I love romance filled novels. 

I want to read during spring a fantasy filled book with a some romanced. Also  I have heard so many good things about this book and cannot wait to pick it up. 

I love Sarah and I just cannot wait to pick another of her's up and I have wanted to read this one for a while.

So here it is My Top 10 Books on My Fall (Spring) TBR. What is one your's?  


  1. Eleanor & Park! Yes! And when you finish E&P, you will want to add RR's older book, Attachments (I did) and Fangirl (still haven't read that one...sigh!)

    Here's my list of Top Ten Books I Can't Wait to Read This Fall!

  2. So many amazing books on your list - you'll have a great spring!

    TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket
